Campus housing


A living, learning and working community on campus, creating a vibrant education campus and contributing to The Educated Life.

  • 385,000m2 + of residential development and student accommodation.
  • 3,300 homes
  • 3,000 beds for student accommodation


The University currently supports 2,500 student accommodation beds within the campus and in nearby Belconnen. To expand on the life-long learning community, plans for a residential community within the campus community neighbourhood is underway, offering housing and apartments to the Canberra community.


  • Envisage the development as a reference site on campus for research projects in housing design, urban design, community health and mental health.
  • Ensure a cohesive balance between core university functions and neighbouring residences.
  • Connect and make legible the connection to the Belconnen Town Centre and College Street with pedestrian and cycling routes alongside landscaped links.
  • Separate building form with landscape breaks and buffers, ensuring connection to topographic assets.
  • Explore opportunities to deliver diverse housing on campus, including specialist housingindependent aged care, and affordable key worker housing.
  • Consider the former Arscott House site for purpose built short-term accommodation, enabling students and their families, conference attendees and partners to more deeply engage in the campus experience.
  • Accommodate 20% of EFTSL in student accommodation by 2040, including delivery of another student accommodation facility near existing residences.
  • Create a sustainable and affordable townhouse eco-village focused on catering primarily for postgraduate students, visiting academics, key workers and staff and families in a medium density development, set within a well-landscaped area.