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Fees & Scholarships

How much does a research degree cost?

Our provides a current schedule of tuition fee rates for HDR courses.

are required to pay tuition fees for the duration of their enrolment.

If you are a domestic student, you are provided for under the Federal Government’s Research Training Program (RTP) funding model, which provides a fee offset scholarship to pay your fees for the standard duration of your course (2 years for Masters by Research, 4 years for PhD and Professional Doctorate).

For funding purposes, a domestic research student is defined as someone who is a citizen of Australia, who is a permanent resident of Australia or who is a citizen of New Zealand.

All students are required to pay Student Services and Amenities Fees.

What happens if my RTP fee offset scholarship comes to an end?

If your Research Training Program entitlement runs out you will then be . You may approach your Faculty/Research Institute to see if there is any support they can offer you to assist you to completion.

Australian citizens may be eligible to apply for if required to pay tuition fees.

What scholarships are available for research students?

For information on scholarships available for domestic and international research students see

What is the process of going full-time to part-time while on a scholarship?

Part-time study (domestic recipients only)

The University may approve a part-time study for a domestic recipient if the candidates scholarship conditions of award allow for this. Please refer to your conditions of award.

Stipends for part-time scholarships are not tax exempt.

A scholarship recipient approved to study part-time may revert to full-time study at any time with the permission of the University.

Please email with the reasons for going part-time with the written approval of the Primary supervisor. We will change your stipend payments from full-time to part-time once we receive the approvals.

Please note, for grant funded or externally funded scholarships, you may also require approval of the funding body to change to part time. Please check your scholarship Conditions of Award.

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