Work in progress seminar

The Work in Progress seminar is non-assessable presentation where you will present the initial findings of your research to your faculty and research community. This seminar is an opportunity to showcase how your project is going, what you’ve achieved so far, and what you have left to do.

Consider this presentation as mirroring your introductory and confirmation seminars, outlining the same key points but with updates on your progress against these.

Seminar objectives

  • Seek feedback and direction on the research before the final write-up of the thesis
  • Test and defend major results and conclusions emerging from the research

When do you need to complete this milestone?

Full TimePart Time
PhD/Professional DoctorateWithin first 2/3 i.e., 32 months (2.5 years) into candidatureWithin first 2/3 i.e., 64 months (5 years) into candidature
Master by ResearchNot RequiredNot Required

Milestone steps

  1. Discuss the format, content and seminar date with your Primary Supervisor.
  2. Your Primary Supervisor will schedule the seminar into the faculty seminar timetable.
  3. You present the seminar to your supervisory panel, Associate Dean Research (ADR) and members of the faculty.
  4. Following the seminar, your supervisory panel will provide you with feedback and make recommendations on your next steps in your research.
  5. Your faculty will advise Graduate Research of your completion of the milestone who will mark your milestone as complete in the student system.