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Further expansion for health courses as ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø plans Sydney Hills campus

27 April 2021: The University of Canberra continues to expand its physical presence across Australia, with a new partnership allowing for the opening of a Sydney Hills campus in Castle Hill.

The partnership with the Education Centre of Australia (ECA) means that the University’s nursing degrees will be more accessible to those in North West Sydney and the Sydney region.

The offerings, including the Bachelor of Nursing degree and a new Graduate Entry Master of Nursing degree, are planned to be delivered from Semester One and Two 2022, subject to professional accreditation and regulatory approval.

University of Canberra Pro Vice-Chancellor, Students, Partnerships & International Professor Lawrence Pratchett says the partnership represents an exciting time in the University’s history.

“The partnership with the Education Centre of Australia and the establishment of the new Sydney Hills campus marks a period of growth for the University and an exciting opportunity to take our nursing courses further,” Professor Pratchett said.

“We know there is high demand for health courses, particularly in this locale and internationally, so the establishment of the campus has received strong support from local community groups and council.”

The University’s Sydney Hills campus is only 31 kilometres north west of the Sydney CBD and is linked to excellent transport infrastructure. The area is close to major shopping centres, Castle Towers and Castle Mall, Castle Hill, as well as cafes, restaurants and local shops, which will provide a range of services to support the proposed campus enrolments.

It will be housed in a two-storey, purpose-built building with over 2,000 square metres of floor space. The building will be equipped with all the facilities and equipment needed throughout the nursing curriculum.

“At the Sydney Hills campus, we look forward to providing exceptional student facilities, equivalent to those at the Bruce campus. These include computer labs, lab spaces, simulated hospital wards and high-tech teaching spaces to meet University course requirements for nursing,” Professor Pratchett said.

“The University is currently working closely with the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) and the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) towards final accreditation. I am confident we will meet those standards and be able to proceed with the process,” said Professor Pratchett.

Students at the Sydney Hills campus will also have access to local and regional clinical placements and employment opportunities.

Mayor of The Hills Shire, Dr Michelle Byrne, said having a university in The Hills will be a dream come true.

“We have many great education facilities in our Shire, including our preschools, schools and colleges that add significantly to our residents quality-of-life,” Mayor Byrne said.

“Having a university campus in the Castle Hill Town Centre will be a great asset with many added benefits to our Shire, including our residents having access to local tertiary education and having a skilled workforce. It will also create many economic benefits for the area, including driving our day and night time economy.

“I want to thank the Education Centre of Australia (ECA) for their work in bringing a university to our region. I also want to thank Jim Taggart, who is a passionate advocate for the Hills Shire. Jim worked hard with the ECA, and has been instrumental in trying to attract a full-time university presence in this community.

“It is my hope that the University of Canberra will grow alongside our town centre into the future and become a wonderful catalyst for vibrancy, creativity and place making that everyone will want to be a part of,” Mayor Byrne added.

Mr Rupesh Singh, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Education Centre of Australia said that he is committed to the partnership with University of Canberra and to providing excellent support for our students. ECA embeds the philosophy of enhancing student experiences by offering industry recognised courses that create highly employable graduates with current and relevant industry skills.

"Education Centre of Australia (ECA) is very pleased to have collaborated with The Hills Shire Council and University of Canberra to have the opportunity to deliver positive experiences to our community, local families and international students." said Mr. Singh.

The campus will provide suitable high-grade facilities for the delivery of University of Canberra’s nursing and health courses.

Mr Manveer Perhar, ºÚÁϳԹÏÍøSH Campus Director of Education Centre of Australia said the campus in Castle Hill will give us and our children the option to study locally and gain quality education from one of Australia’s top Universities.